Monday, September 15, 2008

On becoming bike friendly

In celebration of the big Bike Philly success, Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter announced that the city will install 1,400 new bike rack across the city. Now it will be more convenient for people to bike to work and school instead of locking bikes up to traffic signs and any other piece of metal that's sticking out of the ground. He also said he's supporting a study for Philly to adopt a "bike share" program like the one in Washington.

Hey, how 'bout some more bike lanes, Mr. Nutter! Well, I guess progress takes time in an old, disgruntled city like Philly. Well, we are making progress, and all 4,000 people who rode through the city this weekend can attest to that. It was a great time and a beautiful ride. I loved seeing all the kids out and keeping up with their parents on their itty bitty bikes. I hope we break 5,000 next year. Congrats to everyone who participated.

Philadelphia Inquirer story

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