Tuesday, July 22, 2008

A warm welcome

The world is changing ...
Or so we must hope.
I have come to the belief that if the human race does not change, there will be very little optimism for its survival, and therefore, the survival of many other species on this planet. We began taking from the earth long ago when we failed to accept our population losses in concurrence with famine, flood, and so on. We decided to plant our own crops. We refused to accept the life that nature gave us and decided we were superior to other species. We have since then destroyed the natural evolution of species on this planet. And we've justified it through myth, through religion, through politics, through business, through our routine daily lives. However, the solution is not a matter of saving the earth. The earth will endure as it did before we stepped our soft feet upon it. It is a matter of our being here to witness another sunrise. If we cannot learn from nature - from every atom around us that is directly interconnected with the atoms that are within each of us - then we are utterly lost.
Sound depressing?
It shouldn't. ...
It shouldn't sound depressing because human beings have evolved to do something that no other creature on this planet is capable of ... creation ... invention ... inspiration.
That is what I am trying to do here ... right now. To share creation, invention, inspiration that will drive myself, my friends, and anyone who might come upon this virtual meetingplace to awaken from the afternoon nap of indifference. To propel forward this revolution of cultural and environmental awareness that is on the cusp on taking hold. We cannot revert back to our hunting and gathering past, but we can evolve as a global consciousness. We are so close to realizing the only driving factor for what we call "goodness" in this world - we are all one.
I will share inspirations in nature from architecture, design, fine arts, literature, philosophy, business, and life. There is to presumptuousness here ... I do not know better than you or the next human being. I am quite simply open. So, I will share what I have learned from colleagues, friends, professors, professionals, and strangers in the hopes that I will remember and in the hopes that it might ignite a spirit in another. Please share anything and everything.
It is time to wake up.

*The above image is "Oversoul" by Alex Grey, 1997, oil on linen, 30" x 40". See www.AlexGrey.com for more.

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